Friday, December 11, 2009

Letter from a TYPICALLY selfish MM!

I wanted to post this letter from an MM so you could hear his views, hear it from the horses mouth. He is -and will remain - anonymous!

My question to you MM, is, based on all you have said, when are YOU leaving to be with your mistress of TWO years then eh? As for throwing the kids under the bus that is never what I/we say or want. Trust a man to put it that way. But my dear, you are already throwing them under the bus (to use your words not mine) by having a relationship with a woman who is not their mother. If you had any balls you would put your house in order first and do the right thing. Many second marriages and extended families are very very successful. But no, you want it all. You want your family existence and to keep your poor wife in the dark while running a home and bringing up your kids, and to survive you want 'your bit on the side' too. I bet your 'troubled mistress' is really looking forward to Christmas eh? NOT. I hope she will come to my MA group. I'd love to chat to her!! I hope you wife follows your lead and gets a nice single man on the side too!

"I'm the MM and in a relationship for 2 years with a now single woman. WHen I met her, she was also married, but wasn't happy and subsequently got divorced about a year into our relationship. I was always clear with her before her divorce that I couldn't leave my kids and get divorced, but she got divorced anyway, stating it had nothing to do with me. Now, 2 years later, she is troubled because I am still living with the wife and kids and she is divorced and not living with me. We both are very much in love, and at this point, I want to leave my situation for her, however, a divorce is not in the cards financially at this time. Its a very difficult situation for both of us I think. I am sure other MM struggle with this issue because they don't want to screw up their kids lives also. The women in this blog seem to find blame with the MM for not throwing his kids under the bus and moving in with the mistress. But what kind of man can just forget about his kids and do that without a thought???? Would the mistress really want a guy that could easily dump his family for his mistress? I think not.

I have read in this blog that the stats for the MM and the mistress ending up together is extremely low. I don't think that is true. 50% of marriages end in divorce anyway. I can see being very happy with the woman i am involved in, as soon as I can figure out a divorce settlement. Afterall, the MM is with the mistress for a reason!

Some people in this blog have pointed out the MM will not marry the mistress because of the 80/20 rule. I think that is silly. From my perspective, a MM is looking outside his marriage for a companion that actually gives a damn and doesn't take him for granted. That goes for in the bed and out! If the MM finds good companionship in and out of the bedroom, the wife is done! Maybe not today or tomorrow, but within the near future.

So for all those thinking the mistress has no chance, I dare say, they are dead wrong. The mistress plays the most important part in the MM life, and the MM will do everything in his power to eventually end up with the mistress. THis may not be true for all men, but it makes sense for most normal, intelligent men."

**Final note to MM from me - How dare you be so patronizing to us, and to your current mistress!!


Mikka said...

Omg!! wtf was that? thanx for the encouragement. now that i know theres a good chance of a mm leaving his wife for us mistresses if we're willing to make it our life goal, im in! sounds promising! geeze! men have NO idea how much we have to compromise & do without. is he implying we should be grateful? thanx for the scraps of leftovers. mayb if i wait 9 ys, i could get a whole meal ur majesty. then what happens wen your bored with your mistress turned new wife? well lets start the whole process all over again shall we? why not?! its clearly ALL about u, sir~
way to tell him, Sarah^^v

raven said...

how exactly is he "throwing his kids under the bus" if he ends his marriage? will his wife never let him see them again.? will they die if his marriage ends.? I left my husband for my MM.. ( my MM has not left his wife for the same "kids" reason.) Both my children live with me, both my children work , both my children are in college, honor students. Both of my children are very happy, I am divorced and I did not "throw my kids under the bus", what does that mean anyway??? ....EXCUSES..EXCUSES. EXCUSES.

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! What an ass...
It reminds me of my ex MM, SELFISH!!!!
He obiously doesn't know that the minute he got involved with another woman, he threw his OWN kids under the bus!
I feel so very sorry for his kids, wife and mistress...

Anonymous said...

Hi there- The letter from The MM posted made me so angry, I wanted to post a copy of an email from my ex MM PLEASE read carefully: look at is ALL about him. it is ALL about what HE wants. Every sentence starts with 'I' - never a WE!!! I love the words he uses dignity and pride, LOL can I vomit now???? Ladies, I hope one of you can learn from my mistakes and get out of the toxic relationship you are in...

You asked me what I want to happen. I will try to explain what I've been thinking and feeling. I want very much to finish my career with some dignity and pride. You know that I feel demoralized and how much I've suffered from what they did to me in the last couple of years. People perceive that it's all because of mistakes I made. For me to get divorced now because of having an affair, it would be one more example of my bad judgement.
I want to start a new life, in retirement - with the opportunity to build a future with someone who shares my interests, my passion my dreams. I want that relationship to be happy with support from family and friends, not looked upon as shameful and reckless.
I want you to feel comfortable and assured that I'm with you because I love you, not because I was forced into a divorce. If indeed the marriage is and has been over, I want everyone to see it as that - and not point fingers and blame.
I also want to take our time to be sure of what you and I want. I don't want to feel pressured into marriage because that is what you want and need to be happy. Of course I want you to be happy - but marriage is something we both have to truly want. What if I didn't want to get married right away - would you still want me to move in with you?
I truly feel that in the next few months XXXXX and I will come to an understanding that what has happened here was not a result of me just wanting to fool around on the side. If this marriage is over, it needs to be based on the fact that there isn't a basis to continue. She and I need to really look at what we have together and compare that to what we want and need in our life.
I love you XXXXX - I know that. I'm asking you to give me time to get the situation sorted out, so that I'm really available for you - not having to lie or sneak anymore.
I've been trying to finish this e-mail all day and the words just don't come out right. Does it make any sense?


sarah J. Symonds said...

Ladies...thank you for sharing your thoughts with me here. I love them. I appreciate you sharing YOUR email from you MM too sister, and also I agree about throwing the kids under the bus. What the hell does that mean!!!!

Mistress N - you ended it?? WOW well done. I am happy that I was able to help. YOU had the strength though, maybe I just motivated you to do what you needed to do in your heart. Timing is a great thing. Glad you saw the Dr Phil show that day!!

Keep the faith all of you. I am here for you.
See you at MA very soon

Sarah J x

Anonymous said...

In answer to the comments above, I agree with everything you guys state above. I don't think I was selfish to the person involved with me though, as I always told her she can and should date other men and NOT wait for me. In that regard, I am not being selfish! Yes it's NOT good for the wife and kids, very true, however, due to certain things lacking in my marriage, I did go outside to seek companionship. I did not plan on falling in love with my companion, and I did not plan for her to become a mistress. However, I plan to do the right thing. I'm simply offering a MM perspective on your web site. Calling me a bunch of names and demoralizing me is hardly going to entice other MM to give you their true honest accounts asto why these affairs occur. I will be glad to answer questions, but again, passing judgment is not going to get you guys anywhere with men!

sarah J. Symonds said...

Dear anonymous MM - poor you, it seems like things 'just happen' to you eh? You don't plan any of them, and you certainly did not seek to find someone else, nor plan to fall in love with them!!!

Tell that all to your wife and she might give you a pass when she finds out about your lengthy secret deceitful life, and since you didn't 'plan it' and all that she may be ok with it. No doubt you will see yourself as a victim LOL. I guess you didn't 'plan' for it to go on for so long either eh.

We both know that you are NEVER leaving your wife for your mistress, or anyone else. You are way too selfish. You have what you want and everyone where you want them, and yes, you PLANNED it that way mister!

As for telling your poor, faithful, troubled mistress that she should date others and NOT wait for very generous of you. What a man!! No doubt she didn't take you up on your fine offer as you will have manipulated her into such a corner that she only wants to be with you, and wants to 'wait' for you.

All I can say is that I hope you are PLANNING a big huge xmas present for your mistress - that of, or more that, your wife's. Troubled mistress will be getting very bored fact, I think I may have even see her at my MA group.


Anonymous said...

Dear MM,
Poor you! You didn't plan anything! Instead of getting a mistress you should have taken up a hobby! You sound JUST like the "poor" MM who NEVER meant to hurt me, nor "fall in love with me" and finally broke my heart and messed up my life!
Its NEVER your fault- sorry dude, it is YOUR fault. YOU made it your fault the minute you DROPPED your pants and cheated on your wife!!

For Sarah- Yes I - ended it! On 8/20/09 thanks to your help, and showing me that I had the strength to do it.
Mistress V. Xxoo

Anonymous said...

All you guys love to play the VICTIM card and blame everything on the MM all the while you guys are cheating on your spouses, loved ones, etc. I was just trying to offer a MM perspective to show that there is a struggle on both sides of the equation, but it appears you are all too angry to see past your own little worlds.

I am indeed in the process of divorce and yes I do feel BAD about everything. However, the mistress does as she pleases, she had a one night stand last year I found out about and she has the ability to date whomever she wants since she has no ring on her finger!

sarah J. Symonds said...

"The Mistress" ?? Hmmm..the way you talk about her it doesn't seem like there is much love lost there!! As for a ring on her finger, having one on yours didn't stop you, so it just shows whether there is a ring or not is irrelevant for some people.

At least you are setting your wife free, and that, TRULY is a blessing.

Good luck. Sounds like you are going to need it!

Anonymous said...

I actually thank this man for his thoughts and hope more men will share their life stories with us, who have a vested interest in this subject. I believe there is no 'winner' in any affair, while it is one. But I hope that some people going through an affair are actually honest with all parties at some point and do the right thing... That Being making the committment to where their heart and head REALLY are, and letting the other person go, so that they may find happiness again. Stay strong my sisters.

Anonymous said...

I am a single female who has dated a MM the past yr and a half, on and off like most here. I've been through this stuff and I'm not agreeing that this MM is at all right in his actions, BUT ladies- I will say that I think he's right saying you all sound like a bunch of angry woman that are trying to play the victim.

It takes two to tango, and most of us willingly went into the affair knowing as much as he did that it was the wrong thing to do and immoral. Why are you all so harsh to judge him for his comments, or call him a liar. Especially when we are living deceitful lives as well. Yes I have been hurt like most of you and it is a constant struggle to not go back to my MM, but I knew from day one that it wasn't likely to develop any further. I knowingly went into the relationship knowing what I'm sure most of you have also- so I have NEVER been angry or hateful to my MM. He is who he is, and if you or I choose to be with him, then that's on us.

If anyone has dated a MM, they know definitely that there are struggles on both the sides of the equation, like this MM has stated, and too group every MM has having the same intentions is -for lack of a better word - ignorant. They are obviously going through something in their life and aren't completely happy, and to think that every man should just get up and do the right thing in unreal. In a perfect world yes he would completely overturn his life and do the right thing to be with you, but hey in a perfect world you wouldn't be sleeping with someone else's husband either.

I may be the only one here, but I'll say thanks MM for your thoughts, (not for your actions). While you are no where near right in 100% of your actions- (as I'm sure you are aware), neither are we and its insightful to hear the other side's thoughts.

sarah J. Symonds said...

Dear anonymous mistress thanking the MM for your comments, you are right, I think you may be the only one here, or in the minority anyway.

Everyone has their own opinions and experiences and pain thresholds though, and all comments here are interesting.

Sadly, many of us get reeled in by these men's lies from the outset. How 'things are not good at home' etc (I won't bore myself with all the rest...they are all in my book though!) so we wait and hang on and live in a counterfeit happiness. Then, there are those MMs who don't always tell us they are married in the beginning. You know the ones.

The only way an affair will work for two people is if the woman does NOT, and I repeat NOT, fall in love with the cheating MM. Ok to like him, and to use him as much as he is using you, but when you fall in love that is when the anger builds.

An MM will hardly ever leave his wife - ever. You/we actually help his marriage survivable and gives it more longevity. As for what's right and wrong, I say to ALL women DON'T get involved with an MM unless you can control your emotions, and if you are also seeking decent single men in tandem.

As for the MMs - Get OUT of your unhappy, unsatisfying relationship BEFORE you start another. Remember those vows???

Sarah J.

sarah J. Symonds said...
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Anonymous said...

The cruel duplicity of these MM and their attempts to rationalize their behaviour is, well, sad. The more they try to rationalize their behaviour the more they hurt all involved; including one must assume themselves.

Liars rarely emerge from their falsehood with their self-esteem and it would seem to me they damage their consciences (assuming for arguments sake they have one) possibly irretrievably. Once they self justify and accept this type of serious infidelity and deceit, in order one assumes to live with themselves, they must surely be able to justify any other without great difficulty or forever be racked with guilt.

Just as cats cannot change their spots (or stripes!); a MM who conducts a long term affair or series of them is damaged goods and any woman who is involved with a MM should, by her personal experience with him alone, stand forewarned. He did it to one, marry him at your peril, he’ll have justified his infidelity once and it will be effortless for him to justify it again and do it to you.

While you spend Christmas on by yourself, incommunicado from him, ponder your potential fate and dump the cheat and get on with your life.

Trust me as hard as that may sound remember; like the sad specimen of manhood who wrote in to Sarah this week your MM won’t be thinking of you over the festive season, he’ll be playing the part of the dutiful husband, lover and father shoring up his diminished self esteem, reinforcing the facade he has created to hide his lies and will enjoying the holidays without you.

Walter Thomas

Anonymous said...

MM here again. How does a mistress actually make the marriage last longer???? I don't think so. Not in my case. I was going to stay married until the kids were out of the house, but after having an affair for 2 years, now I'm getting divorced. The 2 years was agony. I found myself constantly getting angry at my wife, picking on anything and everything, just to get into an argument to substantiate a divorce, create the picture we weren't getting along, etc. No, having the affair made my marriage so much worse. I can't see how an affair would be good for any marriage. The MM wants to be with the new woman, not the old one!

sarah J. Symonds said...

Whoosh what comments.....
Walter, thank you for yours - nice to have your perspective, I adore your comments to me on FB.

To the 39 year old mistress....are you ME?? I could have so written your note to me (*minus the 'lovely boyfriend for xmas part!') as I so agree - at 39 myself I feel the same, like I never have known love. Do NOT mess it up sister. I know what you mean, as I do it too. You have to value yourself. Tell yourself you deserve this man and all of the time he spends with you. We are so used to just getting the crumbs of a man's time (a lying cheating one at that) so don't let the past behavior ruin your current chances. I bet your ex MM isn't. None of ours are!

Sarah x

sarah J. Symonds said...

Whoosh what comments.....
Walter, thank you for yours - nice to have your perspective, I adore your comments to me on FB.

To the 39 year old mistress....are you ME?? I could have so written your note to me (*minus the 'lovely boyfriend for xmas part!') as I so agree - at 39 myself I feel the same, like I never have known love. Do NOT mess it up sister. I know what you mean, as I do it too. You have to value yourself. Tell yourself you deserve this man and all of the time he spends with you. We are so used to just getting the crumbs of a man's time (a lying cheating one at that) so don't let the past behavior ruin your current chances. I bet your ex MM isn't. None of ours are!

Sarah x

sarah J. Symonds said...

To the anonymous MM of this blog topic, I see now that you say you are divorcing, that wasn't made clear when you first wrote.

So, thank God you are doing it for everyone's sake. Moved out yet? Told your wife about the other woman? Nah didn't think so. Where you spending Xmas MM? With the wife one last time? Hope you are able to prove me wrong!


raven said...

Walter Thomas, what a wonderful letter.
thankyou, it hit home

Anonymous said...

as a mistress, arent WE typically selfish too, we want his time, we want gifts , and many of us WANT him to leave his family....we are just as selfish....

sarah J. Symonds said...

We are more selfless than selfish. Who other than a mistress would accept to be treated like a dog....someone who just gets the crumbs of someone's time and allows themselves to be controlled and manipulated by a man who is selfishly having it all to suit himself. As a mistress the only one we are being selfish to is OURSELVES and our spirits which we allow to rot to the core, especially at xmas. I for one am soooo glad to have left that life behind.

Sarah J.

Anonymous said...

I am seeing an MM. In the beginning, it was supposed to be just physical, but has turned into an emotional situation.
He and I are really close. We have discussed bring together publicly. I expressed my apprehension to do so at this point because of my schooling, work, and time demands. I do know I would give my MM a kidney if he ever needed it. He has my heart. We will revisit the possibility of being together once I get closer to finishing college. I do believe these situations are hard on both people involved. I firmly believe he will be faithful when we are finally together. I think it is about being happy in other ways than just physical. So many people settle for less than what they want. So, it's no wonder the divorce rate in this country is as high as it is.