Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Wow! Straight from the horses mouth!!!
Anonymous said...
Wow, he said what I have been thinking and worring about for the past 4 years....This guy could be my MM or anyone else's for that matter!
October 13, 2009 at 1:22 PM
Anonymous said...
The fact that this guy is married and cheating is the least of his problems.
What an chauvinistic wanker! I'd be surprised if he'd manage to take his hand off his dick long enough to put it anywhere else!
A wolf with a bloated ego - his prey, women with already fragile self esteem. Sadly.
Married or single, he'd be someone to avoid at all costs. -
October 14, 2009 at 12:00 AM
Anonymous said...
ps "A very honest cheating married man" is something of an oxymoron.
October 14, 2009 at 12:27 AM
Anonymous said...
Wow indeed.
He assumes we all want to be a "wife". Pardon me while I laugh. -
October 14, 2009 at 7:42 AM
Anonymous said...
He is exactly correct. If some mistresses would get their heads outta there a$$es long enough to see that, they would be alot better off. I learned my lesson and hope you would take this mans words as a step to finding someone you can call your own. If he has not left his wife in 1yr, 2yrs, or 3yrs for that matter, then he is not going any where!
October 15, 2009 at 7:20 AM
PrincessBerkeley said...
As I said.... he is assuming that We want to be a "wife"... why would I want to marry a man that has already proven his infidelity?? why not just have some fun with him (as he is doing with me)... and when I'm ready... go find a nice guy of my own when it's time to settle down.
Never forget it does go both ways; What is good for the goose is good for the gander.... AND.... I feel I should add that Not all Mistresses are cut from the same cloth. Think about that before you assume we all just want to marry these men we use for fun. -
October 16, 2009 at 1:26 PM
A_happy_mistress said...
He is a bit full of himself. Maybe his mistress is using him as well. I do not want a full time man. I don't want anyone to want to be at my house every night. My mm is good enough for now in my life. He speaks of wanting to leave his wife and I speak of him needing to stay. He gets careless and I have to remind him he does not need to get caught as I don't know if I would want him full time. So Mr. MM, you maybe the one being used. And remember in the end we have the power as we can very easily destroy your life should we so choose.
October 18, 2009 at 4:25 PM
Anonymous said...
What an eye opener!! I watched the Dr Phil show and could relate to the woman on the stage. I've been with my MM man for almost 4 years and wish I loved myself enough to walk away. Just today he told me his relationship with his wife was more of a companionship love but his love for me was passionate and romance. He's full of sh_t, that would explain his brown eyes lol. I want to end it but not sure how, could someone please help me. I was married when I met my MM so at the time it worked well. I've since then divorced my husband but he's still living his double life. I really do want a change. I think the only reason I haven't told his wife yet is because I don't want him to hate me.
October 18, 2009 at 7:32 PM
Complicated said...
Your situation sounds similar to mine. I am divorcing my husband and became involved with a MM last year, someone I knew many years ago. For now this is an okay situation but once I am completely single, I don't think it will work. We are doing this push him away, him pushing closer dance. I go to break it off and he professes his love and cries and my heart breaks and I stay. And to complicate things, our children are friends and his wife and I work in the same company and are on cordial terms. I am not sure how I allowed myself to become so involved. In the beginning I said it would just be sex, but the emotions took over.
I just received Sarah's book in the mail and have barely put it down. It validates all the crap I have been feeling and suspecting. I know what I need to do but like you I find it so hard. -
October 20, 2009 at 7:22 PM
sarah symonds said...
Sisters...hello. Thank YOU ALL for your comments I appreciate them and appreciate hearing your thoughts. I can't get back to you all separately but I do read all comments and can reply to you in the on line support group sessions if you'd like to come there. Just click on the link on my home page, sign in with a nickname, and get ready to chat with other women in your situations, past or present!
Keep the faith.
Sarah J. x -
October 21, 2009 at 9:51 AM
- Unknown said...
YES, what he said is true! Sorry ladies, whether you are using him or not...the fact of the matter is that he is using you.
You deserve better. -
November 16, 2009 at 1:13 PM
Anonymous said...
So TRUE!!! I myself had an affair with a married man for 5 years he did all the things you've spoke of he promised me we'd be together get married have a family, we spent every free minute together we always went away he did everything and anything I wanted, he was always there for me. I should have realized sooner that this was never going to work the differnece between this situation and mine is he continued to tell me he was leaving and getting divorced.....I should have figured it out soon.
November 18, 2009 at 3:51 PM
Anonymous said...
geezzz. The man confirmed so much for me. I too have been involved in with a mm for about 6 months. He lacks on communication and i follow suit then i get this pitty story of how he loves me and his life so horrible. We meet, and then a day or two later rite back. I too want to just stop and be friends and we have tried but somehow we end up together. The emotional affair has gone on for about 10 years, and recently after experiencing some abuse from my husband did it grow into something more.
November 19, 2009 at 1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
I have been the wife and now the other woman. As the wife, I did not accept his infidelity, I divorced him, however as the other woman I accepted far more lies and had much more hope that he was really going to leave his wife. Why is this? Today is the day he finally told me he wasn't leaving his wife and he had told her everything and they are now going to work things out, after being caught once before he now decided to come clean after 4 years???? Wow do I even think he really told her anything??? Why would a MM tell his wife about his 4 year love for another woman only to stay, why wouldn't he just end it with me and save her the agony???? Looks like just another lie, what do you all think?
November 30, 2009 at 3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
I broke it off yesterday with my MM. I have tried numerous times over the past 6 months but everytime i mentioned leaving he increased his sad,sad story of his miserable home life. He "needs more time, he doesn't have the money right now" to leave etc etc etc. Good by my MM. I deserve better or I am better off alone. Thank you ladies for helping me!
December 9, 2009 at 4:01 AM
Anonymous said...
I've been dating a MM for 5 years now....i take it that we are using one another. I don't want him to leave his wife, we would never trust one another. I'm happy how things are. But my only problem is that he doesn't want me to date other people. I mean he breaks out in argument. We never discuss his situation at home, we just have great sex and see each other every once in a while. I'm starting to get the feeling that he wants more. In the fantasy world that would be perfect, but i'm being realistic. Going from mistress to wife just leaves the mistress job open!
January 28, 2010 at 7:30 PM