Sisters, I now need YOUR support. Would any of you (who live in the states) be willing to come on a woman's morning chat show with me, on national TV, next Wednesday? Any of you want to tell your story, and help me break the stigma of misconceptions that surround the 'other woman?' Expose the depth of lies these men tell us to reel us in etc, and how the OW is usually the one to suffer and be cast aside? I'll take the bullets for you, and you can tell your side of the story anonymously if you wish.
Time for us to take centre stage for once, rather than 'waiting in the wings' for life to begin.
If anyone is interested, email me in confidence to
Ps - Note to Mistresses: I'm dating only single men now, and it is actually really fun. More on that later. Hope to hear from you.
Kisses, Sarah J.